Group Company Profile

      蘭奇爾集團是一家綜合性、現代化、國際化企業。涉及母嬰用品、玩具、 家具及家居用品、醫療器材、無人販賣、服飾製造、進出口貿易、服務貿易、投資等多領域。集團旗下擁有Miracle baby、Amo nenes、LAT、Finalhome、妮貝爾和蘭奇爾醫櫃等多個國際品牌。 集團致力 於透過多元化的產品和全面的服務,為全球母嬰市場提供卓越的解決方案。我們不斷創新,追求卓越,旨在成為全球母嬰產業的領導者。






        蘭奇爾集團是一家綜合性、現代化、國際化企業。涉及母嬰用品、玩具、 家具及家居用品、醫療器材、無人販賣、服飾製造、進出口貿 易、服務貿易、投資等多領域。集團旗下擁有Miracle Baby、Amo Nenes、LAT、Finalhome、妮貝爾和蘭奇爾醫櫃等多個國際品牌。 集團致力 於透過多元化的產品和全面的服務,為全球母嬰市場提供卓越的解決方案。我們不斷創新,追求卓越,旨在成為全球母嬰產業的領導者。

蘭奇爾進出口:負責採購服飾公司無法生產的其他產品,滿足集團的多樣化產品需求。以及幫助集團旗下境外子公司所在國家優勢產品開拓中 國市場。
蘭奇爾網路科技:負責蘭奇爾醫櫃品牌,幫助藍琪兒醫療銷售在醫院不便直接銷售的產品, 為消費者提供24小時自助購買服務,方便快速。

3、利用自有倉庫和當地資源優勢與供應鏈公司合作,提供海外倉中轉、 一件代發、退運回港、退換標、清庫存等服務和公司註冊、商標專利申請和醫療器械銷售許可等服務,助力企業在全球市場的合規運作。

          Lanqier Group is a comprehensive, modern, and international enterprise involved in various fields, including maternal andinfant products, toys, furniture and home goods, medical devices, unmanned vending, clothing manufacturing, import and export trade,service trade, and investment. The group owns several international brands, such as Miracle Baby, Amo Nenes, LAT, Finalhome, Nibell,and Lanqier Medical Cabinet.Group is dedicated to providing excellent solutions for the global maternal and infant market through adiverse range of products and comprehensive services. We continuously innovate and strive for excellence, aiming to become a leader in theglobal maternal and infant industry.
China Mainland Companies and Responsibilities

Lanqier Clothing: Responsible for producing some of the maternal and infant products, ensuring the quality and supply of these products.
Lanqier Import and Export: Responsible for procuring other products that the clothing company cannot produce, meeting the diverse product needs of the group. It also helps introduce advantageous products from the countries of the group's overseas subsidiaries into the Chinese market.
Lanqier Medical: Specializes in Nibell brand obstetric and gynecological products, such as maternity kits and other medical devices.
Lanqier Network Technology: Manages the Lanqier Medical Cabinet brand, helping Lanqier Medical sell products that are inconvenient to sell directly in hospitals, providing consumers with 24-hour self-service purchase options for convenience.

Overseas Subsidiaries' Main Business Lines
1.Wholesale and retail business of the group's brands abroad, expanding the international influence of the brands.
2.Selling locally advantageous products to countries where the group operates, optimizing resource allocation.
3.Utilizing owned warehouses and local resource advantages in cooperation with supply chain companies to provide services such asoverseas warehousing transit, dropshipping, returns to Hong Kong, relabeling, inventory clearance, as well as company registration, trademark and patent applications, and medical device sales licenses, assisting enterprises in compliant operations in the global market.





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